We have entered the 3rd phase of the Venus current Venus Retrograde cycle. There is still time to work your Venus as she retraces her steps back out of Pisces at 26° and toward the point in Aries at 13° where she went retrograde on March 4th. We have roughly a month to take one last revisit over the work we’ve been doing for the past 2.5 months.
![Venus Retrograde Timeline by: Mermade Trove](http://box5192.temp.domains/~wrothstu/mermade/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/VenusRetroTimeline.png)
April 15
We are now in what is called the shadow zone. This whole area, consciously or unconsciously, from 26° Pisces to 13° Aries is a sensitive terrain, where there has been a deep focus on evaluating, reflecting, and even revisiting our core personal values; surrounding, money and finance, and our core relationship values and determining what is most important us. Key words for this time period are relationships, sensuality, connection, security, aesthetics, creativity, values.
Venus conjunct Chiron ~ you may find that doing things to beautify your space and create beautiful things drums up old wounds. Give yourself space to create beautiful things, and allow your expression to flow, uninhibited. You will have the strength to deal with what bubbles up to the surface, and if not now, you can really grasp what comes up, once Venus moves into Aries.
Venus square Saturn ~ you may find resistance against your usual modes of expression. You may also feel resistance against your usual modes of socialization. It’s perfectly fine to withdraw, and go inward. Venus square Saturn seems scary on the surface, but it’s so good at restructuring foundations and working toward something long-term that is extremely bolstered and fortified. Look to Saturn for guidance, as a mentor, to show you answers in the areas of your personal and relationship values. You may discover a whole new means for how you operate.
Venus is widely known as the goddess of Love, Harmony and Relationships, but she is also known as the great attractor. The happier your Venus, the more you attract and invite great material and relationship success. Venus rules Taurus and Libra, naturally in the 2nd and 7th houses. During this retrograde cycle these two expressions are brought into our awareness, but under the elements and expressions of Pisces/Water and Aries/Fire. We are taking a natural earth and air expression for material, money, and other people ~ and putting a passionate and magical spin on it.
April 15 – April 27
As Venus inches closer to Aries, take this next 2 weeks of Venus in Pisces to dissolve boundaries that might hold you back from allowing the energy of Venus to appear in your life. Fully experience, feel, emerge, and express what relationships and values mean to you in an emotional sense. It’s OK if you don’t have any plans, and if it’s not really organized, just allow it to flow and see what kinds of magic you uncover.
April 28 – May 16
On April 28, Venus will re-enter 0° of Aries, where she was on March 31. We will shift our expression of Venus into Aries ~ where we work to manifest some of the less structured thoughts and expressions of Venus in Pisces. Think back to March 31, what did you have going on 2 weeks ago? Situations in our lives 2 weeks ago that may not have materialized in the way we wanted will start to seem more possible come early April. Things may even feel familiar, because Venus has already been here, just in a different light and a different purpose.
May 5
Venus made her inferior conjunction with the Sun at 4° of Aries on March 25. May 5th would be a good day to look back, and reflect on any intentions that were set on that day of the “New Venus“. On May 5th, she will retrace her steps back to 4° of Aries, allowing you time to contemplate and be mindful about your intentions toward this new Venus synodic cycle. I plan to do another star altar ceremony then, to revive and freshen my intentions!
May 17
Continue to take it easy and hold off on any major decisions and actions regarding personal changes, or body beauty fixes (physically), as well as any major relationship decisions. Revisit and re-evaluate these areas, toward a better actualization after May 17 when Venus exits her shadow zone <3