We're at the midpoint, between New Moon and Full Moon. The seemingly elusive space between intention and fulfillment. The moment in which we make our move.
My moon-sister messaged me this morning with a link to the ‘chart of the moment’, to share that a Mystic Rectangle was sitting on her natal Jupiter, Saturn, Sun and Chiron...
If you follow mermade-trove on Instagram, you’ll have seen the post: Moon entered Taurus yesterday evening. She’s presently hovering around 9°, breaking away from sextile (60°) with dreamy, surreal Neptune. You’ll feel more real today as she moves in conversation with the Sun and Pluto.
The eclipse is going to be lighting up my 1H, conjunct my Virgo Ascendant, and my Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 5° and 7° Libra, respectively. So this clearly puts the Sun and Mercury right on my descendant.