Starpatch 060122 ~ It’s a waxing Moon into Cancer, and into the 52nd gate of time space in the universalized Root Center, beginning at 640am through 605pm pst ~ 12 hours of Moon driving through the Rave Memory Circuitry, specifically the portal providing the Fuel the Focus.
The Earth wrapping it up in the 9th gate brings the power to concentrate to a close at 2pm pst when Earth enters into the 5th gate of time-space turning on the Power to repeat.
As the earth moves, so does the opposing Sun into the 35th gate of the time space template, fusing together with Neptune hanging at the other end of the quantum channel of Transitoriness. Roughly the next 6 days to carry this vibration from the Throat center (manifestation) to the Solar Plexus center (emotional awareness motor).
Sun is on a 6 day journey of connecting with the power of the emotional wave. 🌊 A manifesting emotional authority life force in the universalized body template.
Ring of Light – 5&9 ~ Earth 🌎
Ring of Seeking – 52 ~ Moon 🌙
Ring of Miracles – 35 ~ Sun ☀️
Starpatch 06.05.22
I think it’s safe to say it is very Projectory to have a giant 42 inch tv hooked up to your 15 inch laptop? Yes? I definitely like to have two screens but this set up has been very comfortable to me for a long time now.
Visuals Incoming
The transit distortion moves us from Wave~power to Will~power.
Mars bids Jupiter adieu and moves from the Ajna to the Heart, biting through Gate 21, holding space to catch the Gemini Sun gathering together tomorrow morning in the 45 and together they are all about the Channel of Money ~ a Design of a Materialist. Duration? About a week.
Jupiter is left tending to 17-Ajna, squeezing the very last drop of juice out of the 17.1 ~ keynote: openness, and tomorrow moving into the line 2 ~ Keynote: discrimination.
On Wed 6/8 Venus takes a hint from Mars and also exits the conceptualizing unit, and so the Ajna becomes less crowded now for Jupiter + SN to emphasize a certain kind of familiarity.
Venus joins Uranus with in the Receptive 2. Mercury will continue soaking up Taurus and slowly recalibrating its trajectory until 6/13 when entry is made into Gemini.
The incoming Starpatch imprint in the universalized mindspace simulation has neutrinos streaming wildly through the Manifestations of the Ego ~ where the transiting Sun+Mars are hooked into each other beginning tomorrow 6/7 1134am PST. We go from about a week of manifesting feeling distortion, into the next week-ish of manifesting willpower distortion.
The Moon spent the weekend moving through Cancer & Leo and is fresh into imprinting Virgo. Moon will create a harmonious ‘earth elemental’ trine this evening to Venus at 905pm, Moon pinpointed in the 40.6 and Venus plotted at 24.4, access to glimpses of what will be divinely renewed.
Up Ahead:
Wednesday 6/8 the Moon will move into Libra at 823am pst in the 46.2.
Friday 6/10 the Moon will move into Scorpio at 141pm pst in the 50.4.
Saturday 6/11 the Moon moves into Gate 1 at 1203pm pst. (I placed this here mostly for myself ~ this is going to be an interesting transit).
Sunday 6/12 the Moon enters Sagittarius at 331pm pst in the 14.6.
Starpatch 06.10.22 ~ A Sunny Day in June
Starpatch Sunday ~ 06.11.22 Another Sunny Day In June (times in pst)
Scorpio Moon into Gate 1.1 at 12:04 PM
Taurus Venus-Uranus conjunction in Gate 2.4 at 359pm
Scorpio Moon in 1.4 opposes Uranus+Venus in 2.4 at 606pm & 617pm.
Gemini Sun in 45.5 ~ holding the channel of money with
Aries Mars, moving into the 21.5 in the 2pm hour.
5th Line Powered Money-Line equals the Perfect Money Line.
Starpatch 061322 ~ Ego-Manifest Patch
While the Sun lets go of the money channel with Mars, Earth leaves the 26 open for the Moon to dip in later today.
The pressure from the programming partners lifts in the transit simulated heart center ~ sending off Sun/Earth with a fire trine, between 26.1 Moon + 21.6 Mars, a still burning (exactly) in the ego
Manifest-Conceptualize Patch
Mercury enters Gemini and moves into the 1st line of the 20, and Venus continues the Taurus-Trek joining the North Node in the first line of 23, and It’s the Suns debut in the 12.1, and Earth in 11.1, in the very defined Ajna, for concepts in the left, right, and inner ear, alongside Jupiter and the rich soil of a Fresh Earth.
Starpatch 06.14.22
Aries Mars into 51.1. 451pst
Sun-Moon opposition 12.1-11.1. 452pst
Moon 11.3 trine Saturn 30.1 738pst
Moon 11.3 square Neptune 36.3 758pst
Sun/Earth into Line 2. 822pst
Moon into Capricorn 10.1. 1514pst
Starpatch 06.15.22
How is the psionic central brain of a hive collective coming through for everyone?
The Bodygraph of the moment takes the shape of the Mind Flayer, maintaining hook up of pure ajna illusion and illusion manifested out into the collective.
No need to take my word for it, the pressure is a plenty from all of our unique perspectives.
Starpatch ~ 061622
The not-self pressures of the starpatch distortions are quite ‘mental’ for me.
I can’t scrub the transits this week without seeing the nodal frequency container structure, housing Jupiter, Earth, Mercury, and the Sun, coming through looking like the Mind Flayer with its telepathic tentacles.
It does explain why I have experienced a kind of psionic collective hive-mind, with sim-abilities coming through the ajna-throat hook-up. My intuitive and emotional awareness comes across heightened/amplified/sensitive.
While I have enjoyed being able to read everyones minds and send them information through in-aura communication, I can see the added pressure of the energy is causing irritations in my energy. Without transits I am pressured/conditioned in the 23 – with my pMercury+dUranus in the hanging 43, and so this transit has made things rather interesting.
As we ride the 23-43 nodes to the end of July, and get ready to transition into the next (background) container, Everyday is an experience, and today I have a deep sense and feeling of the Nodal gate-transition ~ and hold space for the collective ‘coming down’ off this freak’quency, while aligned to ones own inner authority.
Starpatch 06.22.22
I’ve been swimming in the deep end since about Thursday last week. Well i’ll be real it’s been a couple weeks of in the deep. I get used to it and then a realization it’s happening again.
Moon in Aries met Jupiter yesterday in 17.3 ajna-understanding, and today joins Mars in 42.1 sacral-diversification.
Venus in the throat center, enters Gemini at 534pm pst, and less than three hours later drops 8.6 communion and steps into 20.1 for some superficiality in the threshold for just how shallow or just how deep.
42.5 self actualization ~ lit up by the Moon at 719pm pst tonight, creates a sextile harmonic to Saturn 30.1 composure. I may (possibly) always ? welcome a Moon sextile to Saturn in the transit distortion, and I feel the emotionally powerful collective share sweep incoming this evening.
Tomorrow Mercury into the 35 ~ and then we all get the swallow distortion again with the help from Neptune 🧜🏽♂️ in tranitoriness 🌊💜
06.23.22 ~ Starpatch paused due to physical body pains
Pressure pounding in my head,
Verbal expression of physical experience ~ Meredith
Migraine misery in my mind.
Drips down the drain of my thirsty throat.
Enveloping Vapors gut out my g.
Vital vibes vary in my spacious sacral.
A heavy heart engages a weary wave,
And a sensitive spleen.
Routes to a rhythmic root, gone rogue.
Oh I’m sorry, did I get my wave on you? I hate it when that happens!
Starpatch 06.27.22 ~ Moon, Mars, Saturn ~ all in harmonious frequency, imprinting a certain condition of across the template ✨ I’ll take all the support I can get, tho.
There is a square coming in tonight, Moons Prophecy to Neptunes Espionage.
I plan to have the personality switched off by then 🎭🌊
Starpatch 06.29.22
The nodes recede into the third line today (23-43), saturating more heavily the future of individuality while the expedient rush of the past deteriorates.
Independent Venus (16.3), under Mercury’s direction (45.4), as they move into a Leadership role late in the day, you can be sure they will have plenty to say.
Tonight Mars synthesizes into the 3rd gate (Pluto waiting patiently to get the 3-60 going), and the Sun and Earth are all about setting it up (explanation), and taking the projection hits (defense), in a largely 5th line day.
This afternoon just before 5pm PST the Moon will create a harmonious sextile to Uranus a cooperative energy exchange, a nice blend between practicality & intelligent application.
06.30.22 ~ We’re going round and round and round and round again. Visuals Incoming.