Starpatch 07.01.22
Watch it, don’t get caught in it.
“It’s quite a journey to break the covenant with the program. When you stand alone and you turn your back on the program, when you break the covenant, human beings have never done this. Holding on so deeply to that conditioning. Best thing you can do is become a not-self expert.”
Ra Uru Hu
Your mind does not know what is good for you.
~Ra 💜
There’s nothing in this body graph that says “think and do”.
~Ra 💜
It’s so hard for human beings to give up this delusion that their mind can solve anything for them.
~Ra 💜
“They become so focused on the other (projectors), they live off the energy of their partner. They have a beautiful role to bring a transition in the life of the other. And all of the pleasure and pain that comes with that.”
~Ra 💜
For a projector the other is everything. Each other has to be vetted. They have to be put through the grinder. It’s all about the other. It’s always about the other.
To stick your head into the sky is such a wonderful thing, but what’s even more wonderful is to pull your head back in. Ra 💜
Starpatch 07.03.22 ~ Pull that head back in Passenger
The Trove database can output a simple keynote by center report, I may add this to the Guidespace, to be available for exchange. It could be a useful reference in ones experiment to have a way to quickly reference ones design by keynote. I created one for myself, and a few other Trove Members as a test. Here is my Keynoted Bodygraph, beginning from the Root, moving all the way up to the Head:
Electricity, Therapy, The Zealot, Preparation, Lack of Continuity, Conditions, Utilization, Service, Straw that Breaks the Camel’s back, The Last Resort, Peacemaker, Love, Rigidity, Authority, Censorship, Empathy, Authoritarian, Direction, Independence, Metamorphosis, The One-Track Mind, The One-Track Mind, Acceptance, Taking Stock, Ambition, Victory.
– Meredith through the keynote lens, from root to head.
Examples of Bodygraph Keynote reports, with center, gate, line, and planetary activation metrics.
Keynote by Center Keynote by Circuitry
What is healthy / What is not healthy
Everything about being a projector, is about who is in your life. You need something to be curious with. You need those beings in order to recognize, and ultimately to be recognized. And yet what they do to you is very very difficult to actually grasp, it is just what will tell me if being conditioned by someone is valuable or not.
It has to be the right being, and yet how do you know? Ra mentions Rave Psychology. His goal is to to do analysis of the passenger, far beneath the level of the line, to really understand the underlying themes. He talks of a preparation to have available to give someone an analysis/reading. When Ra wants to look deeply at someones design, he says there are only really 2 things to look at. The Sun/Earth, and the Nodes.
integrating the internal and the external in a single strand.
Ra Uru Hu
It really shows you the story. Sun/Earth you’re dealing with cross and profile. But for Ra, he looks at most of what we are. The vast majority of our programming. 70% of the Neutrinos we receive come from the sun, which defines our being. There are two aspects, there are always two aspects, dualistic, there is being, and there is seeing.
Being is in the sun/earth polarity, the
Seeing is in the nodal polarity.
Ra talks about this in his Cross of Life lecture (which I love). The Sun above and the Earth below, and this vision, about seeing in the nodes. In order to be able to do an analysis at that depth you have to go beneath the level of the line. Every line can be subdivided Fear, Hope, Desire, Need, Guilt, Innocence. Motivation. These 6 divisions beneath the line are very important. Limitation of the access that we have consciously. We are not aware of what is going on beneath the line, but we certainly are impacted by what goes on beneath the line. This place and these colors beneath the line are about motivation.
Constant need to be driven into the other. The 4th color always transfers. Someone who will pull you into your motivation, support you and nourish you into your motivation.
Mundane Love
- 44 Successful Love
- 40 Earning Love
- 28 Love + Purpose
It isn’t easy seeing the perfection (or lack there of) inside of everyone.
Personal Note Today: P crystal so xtra. Switched on way too early, greedy for more alone time. Its so good. It’s never enough.
Starpatch 07.03.22
Fresh Virgo Moon wrapping it up in the first line of the 59.
Taking it into the 2nd line of shyness.
Perfecting the human environment.
Projector doesn’t tap into the person, they tap into the aura field.
Transference is an indicator.
There are very few beings who are willing to begin their life new.
There hasn’t been a sharp enough line, a powerful enough tool.
Find out my colors.
Look at transference.
Projectors are deeply valuable in the correct environment.
07.04.22 ~ Abstract Starpatch Ramble
There is a standard here. It’s called differentiation. The source mechanics for daily self experimenting. That’s it.
Nowhere inside of inner authority is there anything about relating, bonding, with something external.
There is no good and bad.
There is no wrong and right.
There is no relating, bonding, breaking, or “DOING.”
There is no measurable amount of people who should come into Human Design.
There is no should as my dear friend Phoenix Bey says “I don’t fuck with should.”
And I say all this about the pointlessness of metrics as a first base personality who needs to measure everything.
If its mind ~ it ain’t top it’s pop.
Starpatch 070422
The Moon continues to imprint the space of Virgo. Mars commences imprint in Taurus, at gate 3, line 4, where keynote is Charisma.
Mercury commences imprint in Cancer, in gate 15, line 2 keynote is Influence.
Keynote for the 2.6 is Fixated, and I am absolutely fixated on the North Node slipping into space with Uranus in 2.6 coming up on July 30.
The very next day Mars joins the space, a trio on this same line creating a container-space for holding – distorting – amplifying – swallowing up this theme ~ and as it builds it is emphasizing what I am unable or unwilling to see on a wholistic scale.
Where I have I become closed off to new perspectives, outer-authority enlightenment? Where has my ‘higher-mind’ actually narrowed my Receptivity, and where has my ‘higher-self’ become over-absorbed / mal-absorbed in a false sense of security?
Let the shatterings commence.
Starpatch 07.04.22 ~ Currently Underwater.
How many shattering’s does it take, to get to the center of the tootsie pop?
expectation vs reality
In the pattern findings there is certainly ‘x qty shatterings’ = to ‘correct outer authority’. I seek as well for inner authority.
07.04.22 ~ Randomized Abstract Starpatch Base Data by Meredith @mermadetrove
Darkness becomes me, Yin swells fluttering up from my feet, swallowing Yang light, absorbed into its forever chasm. Excuse me while I have a long awaited affair with my body.
Meredith Morris ~ Mermade Trove
07.12.22 ~ Ra Relationship Lectures ~
Superseding the transit focus (the program is gonna program). These are my Paraphrased notes, mixture of quotes and paraphrase as I learn. I encourage you to listen to this lecture, and if you do not have it, please let me know and I would be more than happy to assist you in accessing that resource.
“What to do?”
If you enter into a relationship correctly, you don’t need partnership analysis.
When people come together correctly, then you know you’re going to have a valued relationship.
Incorrectly coming together are relationships initiated out of the not self
The not self is inherently dishonest
Your life begins and ends with honoring your type. Type is the basis of it all. You don’t have to spend a lifetime in meditation. The opportunity to experiment with it and become myself, my type.
If you don’t honor a persons type, it’s not going to work.
One person can’t be in the experiment alone. Its got to start with mature adults in a conditioned field.
We do not choose our partners. We don’t know why it starts. We don’t know why it ends.
It’s just geometry. We are not in charge of who enters our life. Whether we entered into as self or not self blah blah blah it’s exactly what was meant to happen.
You can be there, in the geometry.
07.13.22 ~ Ra Relationship Lectures ~
Reasons ~ we are really good at establishing reasons for why we end up in places in relationships.
If you’re going to begin with the process of living with awareness in your relationship it begins with surrendering to the relationship.
There is no reason in coming up with “why” it is just another “reason”.
Once you’ve accepted things are going to happen and they’re going to last as long as they’re going to last then you can be present.
When you first get into the relationship that’s what makes it hot. As exciting and attractive it can be equally repelling. That is the Electromagnetic.
Dilemma ~ too much mental importance given to purely mechanical things.
People don’t simply let go. You don’t get there if you can’t let go. Let go of measurement of the other person. It only creates resistance, it only creates turmoil.
We are designed to uniquely experience each being.
It’s always a unique formula.
In the not self world, relationships are dependencies. Driven by the openness, the conditioning forces.
It just is what it is, this is the way beings come together.
Things begin, and things end. It’s this being there, being present in the relationship.
07.14.22 ~ I am absolutely receiving bodily responses within my communications, however, these could be correlated with new awareness and integration and still unclear on where they should end up and what they will lead me into. I need to honor that cloudiness and wait it out and allow it to become clear.
We are not Cre-active (creative)
We are Re-active
Ra Uru Hu
Continuing along the Ra Relationship Lectures, today I listened to:
Generator Sex
Respecting the other and coming to a mutual real agreed to truth.
With not self anything is possible with conditioning.
Every human being has to meet the needs of their body.
The moment you are not responding (correctly), is the moment you can count on things not working properly for you.
It’s simply mutual response. About not taking initiating for granted. It doesn’t mean that you can’t suggest it, but you have to mutually agree to it through response.
Having the other enjoy you being you. This is the truth for generators. There is no other truth. You are the heart and soul of what the future can be. We will either go out in the haze of slaves, or the glory as builders.
07.16.22 ~ Today the program has me focused on the 2-14 Channel of the Beat.
If you check back to the April Collection, you’ll see that Uranus in the 2nd gate has been simulating The Beat for me. The statement coming through today is:
Constant Unidirectional Mutative Adventure, Mutative direction is only possible through response.
Mermade Notes on The Beat (2-14) The G Center + The Sacral Center
Ra Lecture “Seeing, Seeing, Seeing”
Rising up into the beauty of what is my simple truth.
The world is just a shadow of the program.
The future is not going to be kind.
Those who cannot stand by their own authority will fall.
We are going to have a different criteria to survive on this plane.
No one is going to see for you.
Its about seeing for yourself.
It’s the most beautiful thing of all, to see what you’re hear to see for yourself. It doesn’t belong to everyone else.
In the homogenized world it’s tough to be a freak.
It’s tough to be different.
A character in a role, that has lines, that are part of its script, that it will be delivering over and over again.
You’ve got nodes that set you on a story line, the whole thing is just a Dramedy. If you’re seeing the seer then this is a whole new kind of entertainment.
It’s not like being the audience at the movie, its like being the audience IN the movie. You’re right in there watching the show. In order to live there, you have to be fearless.
We are here to embrace each other in our uniqueness. As ourselves. We are here to stand and to deliver our truth. And you see in correctness, no truth is incorrect. Everybody’s story, is everybody’s story. Let’s have a lot of good stories. Because that’s what it is about.
To all of you watching at home, I hope you got to see something.
Follow your PHS – Everything leads to ones unique cognition.
– Ra (hahaha)
Mercury just into Leo via Linkage, yesterday having opposed Pluto, and today releasing that hold as the Sun moves in to take a slightly slower oppositional shift face-off with Pluto, and we see Mercury already moving via Caution, and preparing for entry though the gates of Leo.
Pluto in Capricorn stirs in Decisiveness for two more days, and on 7/21 recedes into the Occult Knowledge, line 1 of the 60th gate.
The Aries Moon, joined with Jupiter yesterday, will sextile to Saturn rx in Aquarius this evening imprinting via Attraction + the Middle Man.
Chiron in Aries retrogrades in the keynote of Withdrawal ~ feeling that ripple throughout space time.
Me? I am flowing somewhere between the building and the crashing waves 🌊✨💜
07.25.22 Resource Patch ~
Today’s post is a resource patch, I come to you with high key recommendations for 1:1 guidance, and potentially other wonderful connections to be made in your experience.
Connect with Phoenix Bey ~ Neutrino Translator & Human Design Guide
Connect with Astro Alison ~ Goddess Asteroid Astrologer & Gene Keys Guide
Connect with Jamie Mendez ~ Spiritual Oracle and Intuitive Light Language Guide
07.28.22 ~ Deepening Holistic Analysis with Ra, just in time for the Nodal Shift ~
Integrating the internal vs. the external, in a single strand. Independent vs. dependent. What has come to be. What is.
I created a bodygraph version of my imprint with keynote signature.
Starpatch 07.29.22
The Mercury-Moon conjunction is happening today in Leo in the 4th gate on the 2nd line, which happens to be exactly where my Design South Node is, correct environment programming.
Which makes sense why I’ve unconsciously found myself listening to Holistic (variable) Analysis all week long with Ra and thinking about the BEing + the SEEing.
The dependent sun/earth relationship vs the independent nodal relationship. “Integrating the internal + the external in a single strand”. Specifically the nodes and the independent consciousness and unconsciousness ~ Ra says that “Here, and here alone, can proper functioning in the holistic being be created.”
Moon and Mercury conjoin exactly at 1649pst, with my natal Design South Node ~ 2nd line frequency keynote ~ Acceptance. Holding that. HA refers to the design nodes as the correct environment to successfully deal with the other.
The topic of the nodes ever-present, where today we witness a lead into Saturday’s nodal drop-out of the 23-43 Channel of Structuring, openness in this area of the program on any level (Ajna-43 and Throat -23) will have certainly grown comfortable with this perceived availability to conceptualize and to inspire, and will be moved along grip to code.
The HA lecture refers to the personality mind (conscious) nodes as the view that establishes what the mind will conceptualize. For the nodal transits frequencies I see a ‘(s)im’print (simulated imprint), a type of externally-conditioned established ‘view’ universalized for the collective.
‘No Parking Anytime’ is my general motto for energy in my Openness (undefined centers and gates). Where we experience then release, experience then release. A bit like a revolving door, for both in-aura conditioning + transit conditioning frequencies.
The new coming Nodal transit period imprint will be in the G center, beginning with gate.lines SN-1.6 + NN-2.6 – 073022 until 112722 ~ the next 4 months:
1.6 Keynote – Objectivity
2.6 Keynote – Fixation
What is everyone getting objectively fixated on?
07.31.22 ~ The Undefined Ego Lecture ~ Ra
“You have no power over me.” Sarah to Jareth in the movie the Labyrinth.
Something to understand about the mind, is that it is directly connected to the openness in your design. It is directly connected to what you are NOT, connected to to what your mind is being conditioned to by outside forces.
The undefined ego will work until it drops dead, just to prove itself. Aren’t I such a good slave?