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Starpatch January 8th 2022 ~ The Venus Cycle ~ the next 18th Month Sequence ~ The Meta Goddess Embodiment Imprinted for Capricorn.
Starpatch ~ Jan 11 – Vesta, the asteroid of ~ Spirituality Itself~ is now into the Capricorn♑️ embodiment party.
This gates’ rewards manifests upon connection + alignment with our own true purpose.
✨~ “The more that I am being me, the more that I can support those around me being them”~ ✨
Holding Together, the shadow of Mediocrity, the gift of Style, and the siddhi of Exquisiteness.
Physiology ~ Thyroid. Amino Acid ~ Phenylalanine. Codon Ring of Water. Godhead ~ Maia. The Hummingbird.
In Starpatch 01.15.22 ~ Earth is positioned on the 6th line of the 62nd gate, a gate I am overly focused on (thank you focused view perspective←😂).
This gate comes forward into my contemplation while hovering on definition vs openness in the Energy Centers in the Sign of Cancer, in the Rave Bodygraph Blueprint ~ situated in the Throat Center, functioning mechanically as a manifestation energy hub in the evolved 9-centered being.
I was called into contemplate my openness, in my bodygraph ~
I discovered this gate is my “SQ” in gene keys – 62.5.
My understanding is this is my “spiritual source” in the Gene Keys Sequence, where my Design Venus is imprinted, So there is this spiritual source in the center of my undefined throat center.
Starpatch 01.16.22 ~ Moon in Cancer all day
As the Moon drives toward this 62nd hexagram, i recognize it as the ~”Language of Light”~ the development of language + common ground for sharing in this human experience. This space deep into the Sign of Cancer is connected to both the adrenals and to one’s intellect in the body, the space to manipulate information throughout the body.
Interestingly, If I flip my natal tropical astrology chart 360 degrees, anti-clockwise, it matches up almost perfectly with the Rave Mandala’s global cycle.
It is in this Gate of Details where I am learning to connect with my openness, and access my deeper power + resources, available upon correct external invitation ~ a deeper lying system functioning on an entirely different capacity.
I call forward the below 4 asteroids, as I uncovered that they are situated in gate/gene key 62, in my own bodygraph starseed blueprint ~ deeper within the Sign of Cancer. I have shared below each of them with their “spiritual meaning”. I reclaim access to dormant magick deep within my body, and call forth the healing experience that is possible for everyone who may finds resonance here in this space.
Asteroids in Mermade’s Bodygraph Design ✨
- Aesculapia ~ Resurrection, Revival, Miraculous Come Back.
- Lucifer ~ Light Bearer, Morning Star. My natal personality Venus is Morning Star.
- Orpheus ~ Power of love, the power of art, to overcome death
- Nessus ~ Origin story of our shadow side
There are two more dormant gates in my throat center, that are a part of my Gene Keys profile and activation sequence. Even more magick held within this space of my focus.
within my Gene Keys Activation Sequence Profile that are in my openness.
Gate: 38 The Fighter – Opposition
Line: 38.2
Gene Key: 38 The Warrior of Light
Shadow: Struggle
Gift: Perseverance
Siddhi: Honour
Physiology: Adrenals
Amino Acid – Codon Ring: Arginine – The Ring of Humanity
Mineral Salts (Capricorn): Calcium + Phosphate
61st Gate in the full 64 Gate Rave Mandala Cycle
Animal Totem: Rhino
Insect/Fish Totem: Crab
Bird Totem: Jay
Godhead: Vishnu
Starpatch 01.16.21 ~ Yesterday Venus moved into the next Capricorn gate, 38 ~ The Warrior of Light. The Sun imprinted the space of Gate 38, from December 31 through January 5th, + now Venus enters this space to prepare us for the January 29 Soul Star 8th Gate Imprint of Inanna’s Descent, with the Moon.
Continuing 01.16.22 ~ The Sun has just left the 61st gate and entered into the 60th gate with Pluto, taking the Earth with it from the 62nd into the 56th gate.