I Need Receptivity, as a Projector, Not “Friends”

Me not responding to you.

What is Friendship to me as a Projector Aura?

My awareness is overloaded in 7-centered homogenized friendship. I don’t need “forced friends”, I need receptivity, and through receptivity friendship naturally emerges. Friendship looks like nothing but not-self pressured questioning, and I don’t need anymore of that. I need only recognition + invitation. I am in response mode until I receive correct communication, and have the connection respect to respond with my authority.

Can we (humanity) actually ever be Aura-Receptive?

I am seeing this whole homogenized “friendship” is part of a transcended larger lack of respect for another persons aura and differentiated experience, and its specifically heavy for me because I am NEVER clear to respond in these moments when anyone comes in to question me, about anything; for “guidance”, for “my experience”, for my current “interests”, my “plans”, my “ideas”. I need to be heretical here, Projectors are not here to banter when you feel like you want to know about what is “going on” with them, or what they are “doing” because you haven’t heard from them in a while. Or because you have an Aura of another type that will never be able to experience what it is like to not have energy just spewing out of your being.

My current experience, my point in my own experiment, is draining my battery by default, faster than my s&a is processing in time space. Like when you’re on a video call and your phone is plugged in but your battery is draining faster than it can charge up. It can be frustrating because of my own conditioning to impulsively respond to these energy draining questions. It’s like by you thinking you’re a friend and checking on me to show me you care, is really just enabling my weaknesses, because when I have energy available, I will slip up and respond with my energy not realizing in the moment (unconscious emotional-abstraction), and then later that day wonder why I am so drained. Because you were being a friend, and I flowed along with my conditioning tendencies.

No one being aura-respectful, or even aura-aware that what they are asking of me is literally to give them my energy in my response. My Response IS MY ENERGY. This is such a deeply challenging aura dynamic, I am seeing you can’t just question a projector about themselves – without there being an energy sacrifice involved. You cant just walk up to me, and ask me an on the spot question.

If you just question me and you haven’t given me the invitation to qualify whether I have energy to even begin this questioning, you are literally sucking the air out of my lungs. You have to recognize me first, for who I am, what my energy is, how I operate. Then invite me into space together, in connection, and in that invitation, include the details of the question, and first even see if I have the energy to to even respond with the answer to whatever targeted question that is being asked.

I write this as I am experiencing a vehicle undergoing immense pain, and suffering, while being in this rachet hole ~ and further amplifying those around me who are not communicating with me correctly to begin with, just hurts me more. So no, I don’t wish to communicate in this energy state. Other types do not understand how every question to a projector is literally sucking the energy out of them. So if you are not correctly connected, they are not being refueled.

Whether they even answer your question or not, energy is expressed to read and digest and then to qualify that question or invitation. And if you are not equipped with the recognition to see that projector, and the energy to give back to that projector for what you are asking of them (as insignificant as it may seem to you), then you’re literally sucking them dry.


How many friends (non-projector types) are actually responding to something from their inner authority when initiating communication with or informing a projector (in any sense, guidance, greetings, friendly banter, ). How many friends initiate off of homogenized pressures to be “friendly” with projectors, when all they are really doing is hurting their projector “friends” by inquiring about their day or how they “are” or how their life events are “going”, without being held accountable for the response based decision making aura-connection – that the projector has zero control over.

Projectors do not get energized by “friends” checking up on them for the sake of a check up. We are here to PLUG INTO YOU, when YOU RECOGNIZE US. Not the other way around, you don’t plug into us, because you want to be seen for caring about us. Because true care, true receptivity, respects energy, respects aura. That is friendship. That is love.

By plugging into you, in a correct invited exchange, and simply by being recognized, we will receive all the energy we need. Homogenized 7-centered “Friendships” will never give us that energy. Your care and concern about our day (from your own fears and worries and pressures and conditionings) will never give us that energy.

Are you being strategic in your communication to projectors, or are you being receptive? If you’re questioning a projector and you’re not receiving their guidance for your energy, through recognition + invitation, and the connection is not mutually agreed to before your query, then you’re draining them.

Some really important questions came through me, to ask yourself as a “friend” to a projector, to see if this interaction is truly a receptive nine centered communion ~ in building and structuring the potential for a correct space, and a world in which Projectors can live a healthy life, with correct connection, that truly lets them experience their cognitive and deep body potential. Waiting and understanding within oneself if as, if I am recognizing a projector, and if I am inviting them into space, and the details of that invitation. Would you like to read these six questions? If so, please read this post: Before Connecting with a Projector.

I am seeing that when receptivity is being resisted, there is not recognition, there is not correctness in the space. There is no seeing happening. The energy is no longer giving. As I would prefer to avoid situations like this, because the way it makes my body feel as my energy pulses through me, this is the point at which my authority breaks the bond, and I return to my aura, for receptive recalibration.

Not everyone will hear this, it’s not for everyone. If it’s correct, we will connect.

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Meredith Morris
Creator of Mermade Trove and the Starpatch.

One comment

  1. […] Projectors don’t need friends, so if you are thinking, I just wanted to ask how their day was going, then it would be supportive to your Projectors to read this post: Projectors Need Receptivity, not Friends. […]

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