Origins and Elections: 10/11/2011 @10:06PM EST

Thinking of a more personal event to practice this on, and one in which I have the time stamp for accuracy.

Thinking of a more personal event to practice this on, and one in which I have the time stamp for accuracy.

I purchased my first ever Essential Birth Report from on October 11, 2011 at 10:06pm EST US time. This was an automatically generated report – however, it was pretty insightful for me at the time and as a real nooblet, wandering into the realms of astrology. After I clicked submit and paid my $24.99 USD, I learned so much more about who I was.

I learned what my rising sign was, and WHAT a rising sign was. I learned I had a Moon sign as well as a sign for each planet. This absolutely fascinated – I was absolutely and utterly enthralled and absorbed in this new knowledge.

For one, my whole life I never felt sold on my zodiac Sun sign – well at least the description of it, it didn’t feel personal! It felt like it was too broad and impossible to be able to describe a person using a single zodiac sign. I felt this intuitively for most of my life but it wasn’t until this moment that the ‘horoscope’ truly began to expand for me.

Down to the event details!

We have Gemini Ascendant! Opposite the Sagittarius Descendant, conjunct NN and PoF in Sag.

So that makes Mercury the chart ruler (also my natal chart ruler). Mercury is part of a 4 planet Libra Stellium in the 5H, he’s conjunct Venus, Saturn and Sun.

Mercury (& Saturn) are opposite the Moon in Aries in 11H.

There’s a fire triangle going on here with the Moon in Aries 11H trine Mars in Leo 3H trine NN/PoF in Sagittarius, that trines back to the Moon in 11H).

Lilith is also Conjunct the Moon in Aries, maybe a little emotional independence for this exploration as icing on the cake?

Vertex is also involved in the 5H Stellium, but in Scorpio and not matching the Libra quad.

I also feel like the Pluto in Capricorn 7H square Uranus in Aries has some power/impact.

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