This is incredible. Looking to our own chart houses for illness and discovering where we may be lacking in an area of life that is -causing- the illness/dis-ease.
Pisces 6H = endocrine attack (poor thyroid).
Toro 9H = THROAT/Thyroid – what am I lacking in this area of my life? <- I ask myself. Natal Chiron is in Toro too. – lots of thoughts brewing here.
Cancer (intercepted) 10H = stomach digestive/auto immune (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis – antibodies attacking the Thyroid) – a large part of the immune system is in the digestive track. I’ve eliminated gluten for the past year and some days, and since my antibodies have been decreasing. I’m not sure if this is exclusive to gluten avoidance because I’ve also been integrating herbal therapy, acupuncture, as well as hormone replacements for the thyroid condition to bring the thyroid tests into “normal” range (T3/T4).
Capricorn (intercepted) 4H = dry skin, chronic fatigue – also intertwining with the endocrine, auto-immune, thyroid.
I recognize here two of these houses are intercepted, so I wonder if there are any commonalities between illness and intercepted signs.
I’ve been in “healing” mode for some time now, but I am moving this week to a new town, new energy – Saturn on my Sun – putting the laser eyes on Neptune square – along with some big Mars square Mars action the past week or so. My current internal mantra right now is “I want to feel good, I want to think good, I want to look good”. So, anytime I find myself in a loop of negative thoughts – which is so easy to do with physical illness, I snap myself out of it and recite those 3 sentences. I think it’s the start of some internal re-wiring and taking control of my body.