Furies are upon Toro
There’s no escaping the furies. In the area of your horoscope where steadfast Taurus resides, will you birth the furies from within or will they be unleashed upon you in the physical world? We all must face the Uranian urges, we can’t hide under the bed or pretend they don’t exist. Whether we suppress them or we express them, they will not be hidden. The past 7 or so years of Uranus in Aries has been about eccentricities of existence. In Taurus, Uranus will test traditions, promote breakthrough’s, disrupt routine, take risks, and bridge unexplored territory through our possessions, our treasures, the things we fine pleasure in and where we indulge.
Balance the Furies with Essential Oils
Taurus encourages that we use nature to balance ourselves. When you’re ready to take on the furies ~ diffuse or dilute and use topically: Neroli, Pine, Lemon, Patchouli. On the flip side, when you need a break from the furies ~ diffuse or dilute and use topically: Petitgrain & Lavender. Has anyone ever used Violet Leaf? It’s said to be an amazing Uranus oil/herb. I’d like to get my hands on some of this stuff.
Furies in the Houses
Breaking down what Uranus into Toro means, in two words per house. Use these words as a lightning bolt strike a chord in your heart. What does Uranus have in store for you? Maybe you don’t know what area of your chart Taurus is in. Reach out to me to book a session to talk about Uranus in your chart!
First house, Uranus in Toro “Born Again”.
Second house, Uranus in Toro “Values Bolt”.
Third house, Uranus in Toro “Profound Knowledge”.
Fourth house, Uranus in Toro “Inner Blow-out”.
Fifth house, Uranus in Toro “Striking Uniqueness”.
Sixth house, Uranus in Toro “Rumbling Routine”.
Seventh house, Uranus in Toro “Disrupting Orbit”.
Eighth house, Uranus in Toro “Crushing Intimacy”.
Ninth house, Uranus in Toro “Radical Ideals”.
Tenth house, Uranus in Toro “Invoking Vocation”.
Eleventh house, Uranus in Toro “Multidimensional Butterfly”.
Twelfth house, Uranus in Toro “Manifesting Unconsciousness”.