Planetary-program transit findings, updated for February 2022. Some patches may vibrate familiar, and some unfamiliar 💜 .
Starpatch 02.01.22✨
This Dark Moon has been tuning it’s energy to the planets steadily since Saturday. The starpatch has got me locked in a continuous stream download of deep dense messages, trillions and trillions, hitting me at speeds my mind could never fully unpack.
I woke up Saturday to the Moon’s energy streaming in through the base of Capricorn, having caught a Mars refueling up on the gate of Vitality, and Venus in the space of the fighter, the warrior of light makes a planned shift ‘direct’, and time slows in station.
Late Saturday and early Sunday, Moon is caught in the 54th hexagram trying-on-for-size where Venus was crowned Capricorn Meta in early January. It hasn’t been just any “Dark Moon” but rather an ‘Enlightenment/Endarkenment’ Moon ~ rustling-up what may have tried to re-settle since the Sun-Venus imprint.
A Capricorn Meta dusted Moon (yes we saw you Luna) merges with Mercury on Sunday evening, adding its two-cents to the collectively activated Channel of Awareness ~ making sure to add just the right amount of insight or inspiration pressure to that little ‘zap’ in the head center, before kindly taking leave and returning to the collective Root Pressure Party, only this time up against Pluto always finding ways to keep you held down, and Moon supporting acceptance to inherent limitation.
The Moon trucked on through the 41, with the mess of the 01.22.22 Rave New Year afterparty, only to join a Sensitive Sun on Monday, longing for connection, and a foundation to support it ~ all under the west coast night sky for this months new Sun-Moon cycle to emerge.
I am sure the Aquarius Moon was surprised to meet up with Saturn earlier this morning, holding space for listening, sharing, and reflection. Along with the Earth, Saturn is creating a limited edition energy of expectation release, and rather to witness and experience, than to expect something from it. When aligned, these Saturn-Earth lens emits a grounded-structured container for waiting-to-see what the cycle brings.
Tomorrow the Moons visit into Pisces finds Jupiter holding a space for openness, warmth and friendliness. This expansive energy through the lens of Jupiter-Moon ~ to hold a family or community structure together, bonded in mutual support. There is a lovely harmony here for maintenance on all parts. Soak it up while it lasts.
Thursdays waxing crescent Moon visits Neptune, ensuring that if the Moon-Jupiter expansion didn’t open your emotions, this will. Honor the emotional flow of the day, and align to your emotional spirit that when in the right mood can transmit a true grace that impacts others. This space on Thursday emphasizes the importance to remain in our emotional spirit and the right moment for transmission will emerge.
Mermade Trove Memberspace Starpatch 02.01.22
Starpatch 02.02.22✨
The Mind Stream ~ The Ajna ~ Fuel+Potential
Taking us through the different stream distortions of the collective bodygraph ~ mercury in a head pressure fuel gate ~ the energy ‘to know’, activating with Uranus in an ajna potential gate, fusing the stream of knowing.The Body Stream ~ The Spleen ~ Fuel
Venus and Mars in the root pressure to get things done, with Venus in the fuel gate stream of Intuition and Mars in the fuel gate stream of Taste.The Spirit Stream ~ The Solar Plexus ~ Possibility
Mermade Trove Memberspace Starpatch 02.02.22
The emotions make waves with Moon-Jupiter conjunction tonight , in the possibility gate stream of Sensitivity ~ along with Neptune’s possibility in the stream of Emoting.
Starpatch 02.04.22✨ Cosmic Calibrator in the Em’ocean’al 🌊 Wave.
Sun+Saturn 13.3 – line 3 Pessimism, the belief that what is best can never be achieved. Evidence seeking.
Earth 7.3 – line 3 The Anarchist, the rejection of any institutionalized order.
Venus 38.3 – line 3 Alliance, integrate with -or- selfishily use others in times of struggle.
~ Transit to my 28.1 Design Mars ~ creating the channel of struggleMars 58.5 – line 5 Defense, the fuel for self defense regardless of stimulations, -or- the energy for aliveness which forsakes self-defense and will embrace questionable stimulations.
Jupiter 37.3 – line 3 Evenhandedness, the success of any group is dependent on maintaining order, jupiter is exalted here. The possibility to have the sensitivity to know what behavior is appropriate in a relationship. Funny that Mars would be in “detriment” here, the possible lack of sensitivity to what behavior is appropriate.
Mermade Trove Memberspace Starpatch 02.04.22
02.06.22 Starpatch✨ Week ahead Incoming distortion overview:
2/6 Mars joins Venus in the warrior of light. Moon moves into Taurus at 252pm PST.
2/7 Sun/Earth continue their imprint, with Sun shifting into the collective emotional awareness, and the earth grounding us into inner vision conceptual awareness. Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus at 1222pm PST. Inner thoughts: The nature of the fight. The frequency of the gift level ensures love always rules over fear.
2/8 Ceres moves into Gemini on the same day as the 2nd Quarter ~ Waxing Half Moon ~ in Taurus.
2/9 Moon into Gemini in the 2am PST hour, and also on this day Mercury relinquishes the collective ‘Channel of Awareness’ with Uranus, letting go of the fuel pressure to know the unknown ~ leaving Uranus to struggle in the Knowing Stream a while longer.
2/11 Mercury joins pluto exactly on Friday in the 60.2, in the space where we express and experience adaptation levels to restraint. This rejoining with Pluto is a different kind of pressure, alongside Venus+Mars in the Root Center, distorting our understanding of the natural ebb + flow of mutation vs limitation, and providing the opportunity for activation and imprinting that conditions and nurtures our body on this journey.
Mermade Trove Memberspace Starpatch 02.07.22
Starpatch 02.16.22✨
It’s the Full Snow Moon Starpatch ~ This morning, while under the diamond light of the Snow Moon, i noticed two Star Systems in the constellation of Leo
Regulus (alpha leonis) + Algieba (gamma leonis).
From my visual perspective both appearing to be single stars each, but actually both a system of binary stars, revolving around each other. Mars began a separation from Venus this morning, taking the lead now in their path through the 54th hexagram, on the 2nd line with the keynote of discretion, in the stream of instinct. A tribal circuit with the keynote of support. Showing us who is rising up vs those failing to meet us in our centeredness.I kind of love that the head, spleen, + heart centers are completely free from planetary distortion for this momentary imprint ~ a vacation to the collective body awareness + body will-power to rebuild, regenerate, and emerge.
Mermade Trove Memberspace Starpatch 02.16.22
Starpatch 02.18.22✨
💜8:01AM PST ~ Jupiter from 37 to 63💜
Jupiter enters gate 63 in the head center from the (37) solar plexus at 8am. Jupiter has been tracking its law through the emotional ‘Sensing’ stream of awareness for a little more than 3 weeks. Just enough time for the distortion to settle in + soft-launch a new program pattern through its conditioning frequency.Jupiter shifting into the 63, creates space in the collective SP + redirects this expansive energy surrounding internal law & the external law, and into a new path for the next 3 weeks of its conditioning force.
A new path inside the Understanding circuitry, the very beginning of the stream of knowing, the 63rd gate, the beginning of a process of understanding when met with the desire for proof and for substantiation.
Where the fuel pressure emerges to doubt, be suspicious of, to callout or to question the pattern(s) that are flowing through the collective mental awareness space, and through the lens of the law of Jupiter.
💜11:41AM PST ~ Sun into the 55, gaining on Jupiter💜
The Sun, just 2 gates distance from Jupiter, is preparing to enter gate 55, for a 5 day stay in this Individual stream of emoting ~ empowering each other individually, while remaining ones self in the process. The potential of abundance, awareness of spirit, and how we perceive and honor our mood in the experience. The conditioning of the tracking Solar imprint in the fullness of spirit + passion for life shows the creative + mutative potential through the full experience of ones mood.💜 Until 11:09pm PST~ Mars+Venus in the 54 Line 4💜
Venus reminded of days in the light of the Sun, having imprinted this space in the Starpatch of 01.08.22. I am hearing relationships as a means for transformational magick, and within ‘ordinary’ life.💜751PM PST ~ Moon into Libra💜
Photo by: Mermade Trove, content from Memberspace Starpatch 02.18.22
The waning Moon enters into the expression space of Libra tonight, opening us up to a new set of deeper expressions within this area of time-space, 5 more days of the 3rd quarter phase of the Moon, where adjustments and changes may come up as necessary. Listen to what is correct to you. Confusion or indecisiveness is expected, and creates space for how to move based upon how we feel. Tune into the frequency of the driving moon + your inner consciousness as we track through the gates of Libra over Saturday + Sunday.
Venus: “So Mars, the Sun and I have made a bit of an imprint here already ☀️✨♑️”
Starpatch 02.23.22✨
Venus+Mars in the head center, continue to color the collective with Uranus in the ajna, where for the next 6 days the Channel of Awareness pumps with apparent life, these planetary energies conditioning individual empowerment in the stream + circuitry of Knowing.
Along with the pressure To Know and the awareness for the efforts needed for coming To-Know, Jupiter adds to the mental awareness distortion, within the stream of Understanding, pressures ripple throughout collective thought, a pressure that says something doesn’t belong. 💛💚💜
Starpatch 02.27.22✨
In the Starpatch today, I am presented with my own emotional wave experience against all of the heavy significant markers in the cosmos.
I see this *root – to head – to root* pattern of the Capricorn Gates. Venus, Mars, Pluto, this Rumba as Alison called it. The 58, 38, & 54, in the Root, the 61 in the Head, the 60, 41, & 19 in the Root. Certain reciprocation of pressure through the process.
If that isn’t enough for Tuesday, Saturn will also leave Mercury to continue its work in the 13, and advances into the 49, where now Saturn gets to return to the Solar Plexus to feel into the the gate of Principles, the keynote says “ideally the transformation of forms based on the highest principles and not simply for power.”
Illustration & Art by: Mermade Trove, content from Memberspace Starpatch 02.27.22
Mermade’s log, Starpatch 02.28.22✨
The month of February has seen the Sun through the 19, 13, 49, 30, 55, and the 37. Now we watch as the Moon drives through these same gates today through Wednesday 3/2, for a New Moon in the Crown with Jupiter.
But first today, the Moon joins with Mercury and Saturn in the 13th gate. Moon-Mercury in line 4, and Moon-Saturn in line 6. The part of the program where Ideas + values existing within openness + vulnerability, build mutual interests and stronger relationships, and together support the larger collective cycles. This is the gate of the listener.
The Sun, awaiting patiently for the Moon to arrive, sits in the 37 line 5, the line keynoted as LOVE. This is ~the~ support and friendship gate, the sustainable energy flowing from the solar plexus, in the tribal circuit, where the tribe must be ‘fed’. The wave of emotional awareness in hope to pain cycles of friendship relationships. In this sensing / touching gate, the 5th line specifically focuses us in on emotional independencies & dependencies.
The Dark Moon moves into Pisces tomorrow, continuing to ride the emotional waters, building wider and higher the space in which we will experience the New Moon on Wednesday ~ elevating us out of the wave and into the space above the mental awareness center ~ into the space of mental pressure, the 63 line 1. Inspiring the entire logic system, and focusing the awareness in our doubts. Doubts, uncertainties, illusions will cloud the mind. This is part of the process of moving through this space, in order to begin the way of understanding, what pressure is to need an answer. & this is only is just the opening, the beginning, the entryway into the stream.
Illustration & Art by: Mermade Trove, content from Memberspace Starpatch 02.28.22