My own key receptions from this wonderful Ra Lecture, on Awareness and is essentially the mechanical foundation of our cognitive potential. Enjoy what I’ve captured below, even though nothing is the same as fully receiving the lecture.
“This is all really about the nodes of the moon. It is in the frame of the nodes where all is seen.” The possibility of the first mental transformation, perspective. You see most people are caught up in the conceptualizing with mind. We see the conceptualizing in the context of the sun and earth on the personality side. This is where the role is expressed, the profile, the cross. But this is a style, if you will, a way of delivery, if you will. But it is not the material itself. It is where the material is processed conceptually. But where does the material come from? Where does the experiential intake come from that the mind works with? Experientially we take everything in from the moon and planets, they are our experiential sensors that resonate out to everything, but it is in the frame of the nodes that all is seen. And it is in the seeing that establishes everything.”
“Human Design is about you. It is not about groups. It is about the uniqueness that is there in you. There is a unique way for you to behave on this plane, to take in food, to make decisions, it is a unique construct for you. It’s called our view, its what you get on that nodal line, that frame through which you see everything, it is not a frame that is universal, but it is a frame that has its filtering, because you only see through that frame in a certain way. We all see things differently. We are not here to see them the same way.”
“Nothing conditions us more powerfully than our perspective, our true view being distracted, distraction.”
What you have in the nodes is “positional resonance” they “resonate” to a particular view, to a particular perspective, away from the distraction. It’s only when you’re correct and it’s only when you’re watching that you get to see it take place. That you get to experience it.
You have to ask yourself a question, a great question: Who is watching? You’ve been so busy with your mask, that you’ve never seen what’s behind it. So busy lost in this illusion, that you don’t see what is behind it. This is what’s watching, the passenger, the pure personality crystal, cleansed of the not self. It watches.
See, to begin to understand distraction is to begin to see that distraction is the key to awareness. It is the awareness of distraction itself that is the signpost of the awareness. To see it.
!! There are two roads
1. the Surface – operate to your strategy and authority. that is the surface.
2. deeply individual way, the way of complete transformation, requires tremendous discipline. give up on the standards of the homogenized world, in order to take such a journey.I see it as our own personal differentiated standard.
Ra Uru Hu