On January 18th the nodes shift within their current energy centers, and relinquish the channel of charisma ~ collective vitality + manifestation distortion.
✨ We are nearing the January 8th, 2022 ~ Point of Imprint ~ for the upcoming Venus Inferior Conjunction. Mermade Trove has been closely following the Venus Star Point Imprint Cycle since the Inferior Conjunction of 2017, revealing continual experiential shifts right here in this space.
Last quarter Moon 🌗 Moon squares Mercury Rx 🦹🏻♀️ Venus into Cancer ♋️💙 In the 15th gate “Modesty” the gate of Extremes. 👩🏾🎤 Together Venus🌹and the Earth 🌍 activate the Channel ♾ of Rhythm 🥁 being in 🎵 the flow…
Some Starseeds may relate, having had a similar life experience. Oftentimes, my power is given away to astrology, when I look upon the Starseed to tell me –“how I’m doing”–. It’s not surprising for me, with my own patterns, experiences,…
To be plain, it’s not a mood. This is a giant segments of our life, felt for years. This is something you've been feeling for some time now. How am I handling the permeability?
Get your free Birthchart Map on this site and springboard into your birthchart with segment 01 ponderings. Paint a clearer picture of this cosmic segment!
“Hey! Do my birth chart!?” Often requested, but rarely understood. How many of us really know what a birthchart reading is? I say, Teach them how to fish.
Foreword to "What does it Mean?". I don’t know, you tell me! Segment 1 “Birthchart” will roll out this week, in written and visual format. Keep checking back in.