Birthchart Segment 01

The Birthchart – Segment 01: What does it Mean ~ A Mini Series.

“Hey! Do my birth chart!?” Often requested, but rarely understood. How many of us really know what a birthchart reading is? I say, Teach them how to fish.

Welcome to Segment 01: Birthchart!

“Teach them how to fish”, is how the saying goes, right? And so it is. In this segment, we explore the components that make up The Birthchart. Breaking down environment, energy, expression, and exchange. Equally important, is recognizing each present moment, in itself, is a birthchart. More appropriately, The Horoscope. The birthchart is simply a snapshot of a Horoscope that, one day, happened to be your birth moment.

horoscope definition


The ‘Hour Scope’ always moving,

Time streaming before arrival.

As new consciousness descends from the cosmic sea,

Into physical existential being.

So too will it still stream after ascent.

Thus, returning unto the collective unconsciousness.

scope definition

“Hey! Do my chart!” Often requested, but rarely understood. How many of us truly know what we’re asking for when we book a birthchart reading? Be that as it may, the birthchart is raw and vulnerable. To be handled with sensitive, understanding, and respectful intentions. It’s not just any horoscope, like say… Wednesday afternoon at 1:30pm. No, If we knew what we were asking for, we’d understand that it can be intense, eye opening and completely bare bones. In reality, it’s the unraveling exposure to ones core. In essence, a birthchart isn’t done by an astrologer. It is something you’re doing all the time! While I can’t do your birthchart, I can interpret and even better, show you how to interpret your map of you. In effect, how to read it, giving you a springboard to start finding the meaning for yourself.

birth definition

Map ~ Lines Glyphs & Numbers

The first time we look at any map it can seem overwhelming, even intimidating. But, it doesn’t have to be. To point out, we rarely leave our houses without our phones GPS system to guide us using our roadway maps. One might find themselves lost miles from their destination without navigating appropriately. Certainly, the first time you use an app, you have to figure it out, right?

chart definition

When we break down each of the components, it turns out, it’s not really all that hard. It’s not unlikely, you’ve been working with graphs and diagrams your whole life. Fortunately, technology does the tracking for you, and there are plenty of free places to pull up your natal map. So, what’s in a birthchart? A blend of lines, glyphs, and numbers.

lines that make a wheel

A wheel-chart, mapping the solar system at the precise moment of birth. Thus, an aeternal portrait exposing the star-essence of a lifetime. This wheel is called the Zodiac, a belt of pure potential, 8° either side of the ecliptic.

Planets are Energy

The orbital path of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and many other celestial bodies ~ spins along the Zodiacal Belt. Each planet operates as an archetypal energy, lighting up and emphasizing the location in which they are nestled, or as I like to say, where they are ‘living‘ in the birthchart. Rest assured, we will explore these energies in the ‘Planets‘ segment.

Houses are Environments

12 Houses

The wheel divided into 12 houses. Not unlike slices of a delicious pie, operating as every savory area of our life. By the same token, the wheel can be divided many different ways; halves, thirds, quarters, and more. Because dividing provides a new interpretive perspective of the birthchart, we will explore these divisions in other segments. To be clearer though, the houses are environments of life. To name a few: home, relationships, career, & creativity. Again, and as with Planets, we will explore these environments in the ‘Houses‘ Segment.

Signs are Expression

Within the wheels’ houses, and often overlapping into another piece of pie, live every singe one of the 12 Zodiac signs; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Sooner or later, in the exploration of astrology the bubble bursts. We come to learn that we are a little bit of every sign. Signs operate in the birth chart as the expression. Such as, to nurture, to analyze, to indulge, to dream.

All 12 SignsAs shown above, if the Houses are the environment, and the Planets bring the energy, the Sign is how we express ourselves. That is to say, you may have been born a “Scorpio”, so wherever your Sun is living, you wear that expression. But, your Moon may be living in another expression (sign), and another environment (house). Accordingly, this goes with all planets, and that adds layers to your core meaning.

Aspects are Exchange

The aspects are the vibrational harmonic between the planets. As a result, the aspects determine how these energies communicate. In a passing real-time horoscope, they can be fleeting, or remain several days, weeks, or years. In a birth-chart, they are eternal for this lifetime. They are our Karma, what we’re here to overcome, what we’re here doing. The passing transits are the magic to shifting the vibration, the more we pay attention to real-time vs. us, the more edge we have in utilizing these energies.

With this in mind, this is where we may begin to start creating a story – the conversation. In the birthchart or horoscope, there are aspects of ease, and aspects of challenge, alike. Just as, when we’re in favorable conversation with a friend, vs. discord with an adversary, so are the planets in our chart. In these situations, where we understand the exchange is how we generate our meanings.

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