Waiting for the “Invitation”

No energy = No invitation.

i’m not waiting for the invitation to participate in your project or task.

i’m not waiting for the invitation to use my own energy, or to do something you ask.

i’m not waiting for the invitation to be included, or to be socially accepted.

i’m not waiting for the invitation to pick up the slack on all the commitments you’ve neglected.

i’m not waiting for the invitation to create or to build something new. Nor am i waiting for the invitation to repair or to fix you. 

i’m not waiting for the invitation to enlighten you, or to give you the answer. i’m not waiting for the invitation to be your miracle dancer.

i’m waiting for the invitation to YOUR available and present energy. i’m waiting for the invitation to YOUR energy that recognizes me.

i’m waiting for the invitation to YOUR energy that see’s me for who i am, i’m waiting for the invitation to YOUR available energy, to be a guiding hand

i’m waiting for the invitation to refocus your energy into you, so that YOUR energy may flow correctly and honor in your uniqueness that which is true

i don’t accept your invitation because i have energy to give away somehow, i accept your invitation because YOU HAVE the energy, and you have it right now

If YOU don’t have available energy, then you have no invitation.

If you don’t have the energy, you can only offer me: anger, disappointment, bitterness, and frustration. 

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Meredith Morris
Creator of Mermade Trove and the Starpatch.

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