Starpatch 05.08.22

Taurus Sun + Scorpio Earth join the nodes in the 43-23 Channel of Structuring, and on Thursday the Sun will exactly conjunct the North Node in Taurus, in the throat center ~ in the individual space of breakthrough insight, when there is finally a mutative pulse allowing something new to emerge forth as a concept.

Directly opposed, Earth meets the South Node ~ the gate of splitting apart ~ in the sign of Scorpio and the Ajna center, the ability to explain the concepts which come through. Conceptualizing individual insight is acoustic and places one in touch with the third ear.

The mind is loud on the inside, if you have this space defined in your own blueprint you will find this energy to harmonize and be familiar with your own frequency. If this space is open for you, you will be more open to the emphasis and amplification of the Sun/Earth Nodal conjunction experience.

Starpatch 05.12.22

Motivation meets perspective. Sun/Earth nodal conjunction just parted ways, yet still thick in the resonance of our perceptions so closely aligned with the illusion of the world painting the Maia surrounding us.

Where color transference paints the not-self experience, and where strategy and authority mitigate not-self damage.
Starpatch 05.18.22

Yesterdays transit patch had a lot of 3rd lines on top of my 6 conscious 3rd lines, at one point with the simulation about 14 3rd line activations at one moment.

Today is bridging lower to upper trigram. The upper trigram, the 4th line functions differently. While both are inherently unstable by design, there is an unusually tender quality of tolerance in this space.

Starpatch 05.25.22 ~ Most times the visual feeling begins to form before the message.

Starpatch 05.26.22
It’s so cool that the moon Venus conjunction is on the 3.3 today at 8pm pst exact, and when I looked at the line companion, it’s literally talking about Pluto in the 60 in 2020 and these kids being born to impact the mutation of the global cycle and it even says Venus is exalted on this third line of the third gate.

And this channel is active in the collective now with its popping pulse for those who are able to drop into it. And we have the collective head, spleen, and heart all open to decondition or be conditioned it’s so much possibility 🤩

Starpatch 052722 ~ the collective conscious transits today continue to leave the head, spleen, and heart centers open for recalibration and de-conditioning.
There is a mutative pulse (3-60) to catch a ride with, as it presents itself in the moment, turned on by Venus and Pluto ~

We have added structural support in the collective conceptualization unit (ajna) along with its means to deliver (throat).
The possibility to increase the quality of your building blocks is presently elevated. Forms in the now as they are deeply rooted in our foundation, have potential for getting much a needed overhaul.
Remembering that even what looks to be a solid foundation, is also not free from the great mutative pulsing design which initiates + fluctuates.