Starpatch 12.30.21

✨ We are nearing the January 8th, 2022 ~ Point of Imprint ~ for the upcoming Venus Inferior Conjunction. Mermade Trove has been closely following the Venus Star Point Imprint Cycle since the Inferior Conjunction of 2017, revealing continual experiential shifts right here in this space.

✨ Venus+Sun Inferior Conjunction, continue on if you would like the juice 💜!

✨ We are nearing the January 8th, 2022 ~ Point of Imprint ~ for the upcoming Venus Inferior Conjunction. Mermade Trove has been closely following the Venus Star Point Imprint Cycle since the Inferior Conjunction of 2017, revealing continual experiential shifts right here in this space.

✨ The magick motion of my evolutional experience conveys us through the continual cycle of condition + decondition ~ where after each treatment the vehicle takes more shape and becomes more and more clear.

✨ This process is a live process, that takes shape through contemplation and awareness of dependent and independant energies from both my own perspective, and from my perspective of what the others perspective looks like. Then operating from the space that aligns correctly with me.

✨ It has become verifiable in my own experience that our natal imprint (I often call this definition ~ or natal activations, planet positions, etc.) drives us to seek the openness in others, where that visually “empty” space in our birth charts ~ yes, that space where there are no planets, is our openness.

✨ We seek this space because it is the most vulnerable space in which we encounter each other – it is in this space where we have no activations and where external energy comes into ~ or can be welcomed into ~ our individual aura.

✨ The natal chart is the “imprint” the planetary energy experience, applying distortion to the zodiac signs in which the planets have left their mark. Making the “inactive areas” a purest expression of the zodiac space. Openness is our blank canvas, to be imprinted upon. And then to be cleared. And then to be re-imprinted upon, from a new perspective in our experience.

✨ Definition can absolutely be imprinted, and will be conditioned in a different light. For activations I see great importance in taking into account the natal imprinted planets involved. My natal Mars at 6 degrees of Capricorn, and in the 58th Gate of The Joyous has been caught up in this Capricorn Imprinting, exposing my relationship with the rose filter ~ when the rose colored lenses are necessary and when they are not.

✨ As for the rest of my natal Capricorn space, it is wide open ~ and I am using this open space, as well as consulting my own definition, in deep yang de-conditioning alchemy. Expect transmutation to continue heavily through the early part of 2022, and then throughout the year, up into the 2023 Venus+Sun imprint, that takes us back to the larger 8 year Aries inferior conjunction cycle.

✨ This timeline in 2021/2022 feels particularly special ~ in my own experiment ~ due to the complimentary distortion imprinting me from both transiting Sun and Mars. While the Transiting Sun has been on my Mars in Capricorn (58th gate), Transiting Mars has been visiting my Sun in Sagittarius (9th gate).

✨ Keeping my eyes on Mars, while Mars seems completely innocent in this current Capricorn painting, in March 2022 Mars will join Venus and Pluto for a different kind of Venus Pluto conjunction than we experienced this December.

✨ Can you hear your own inner guidance system within the current transit imprint in Capricorn (dates at the end)? Today on the 30th of December, the Sun is on the last 9 hours of the gate of Vitality (58), making shift into The Gate of the Fighter (38). The Sun will remain here for the next 6 days or so, imprinting with the light, our natural warrior, giving the opportunity to consult our inner guidance system to ensure what it is we are fighting for is worth it ~ or is it just wasting our time?

✨ Signals that you’re out of alignment with your authority include: Resistance from people, Inner Confusion on what is correct, Exhaustion, Feeling Defeated.

✨ I am working daily with 6 Mudra’s, one for each gate in the sign of Capricorn. For the next week with the Sun in Gene Key 38 – I will be focusing more closely on this one, it is the Bear Grip Mudra and represents the Siddhi of Honor. Keeping in contemplation the awareness the value of what I choose to fight for.

✨ For optimal imprint, this openness absolutely needs us to be ourselves, as it is in openness where we develop our mastery. The place where we make decisions about all of the energy that is coming in, through our mental, emotional, and intuitive awareness systems, through our definition, and specifically through our inner authority. It is in the openness where we experience this beautiful conditioning + deconditioning process, that allows us to grow and mutate in our sovereign form.

✨ Mermade trove is holding space for this tribe during these powerfully conditioning times, and a reminder that conditioning and distortion is a part of our experience.

✨ Imprinting Capricorn: Gate/Gene Key 61 ~ Inner Truth
12/12 – Venus+Pluto Conjunction
12/26 – Venus(Rx)+Pluto Conjunction
12/29 – Venus+Mercury Conjunction

✨ Imprinting Capricorn: Gate/Gene Key 54 ~ The Marrying Maiden
01/08 – Venus+Sun Inferior Conjunction

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Meredith Morris
Creator of Mermade Trove and the Starpatch.

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