Springboard into the Birthchart
With each segment will come a few journal prompts, ideas, ponderings, or cosmic sparks for interactivity. You can do all of them or, just the few that resonate. The idea is to get clearer understanding on the segment. Looking back, after completing future segments it will be revealing to see how you’ve grown, what you’ve learned, and if your perspective has shifted! Feel free to share in the comments, or in the private FB group, or just journal alone. There is no right or wrong way.
Before getting started ~ go get your Free Birthchart Map, directly on this website. You will be referring to this chart for your exercises!
Pondering #1 Horoscope
Write a few lines of what the horoscope means to you. You aren’t required to research anything, but a few lines of what your experience and knowledge, as well as intuition up until this point ~ means to you.
Pondering #2 Birthchart
Before this mini-series, what did the birthchart mean to you?
Pondering #3 – Energy + Environment
When you’ve pulled up your birth chart, you’re going to Identify your energy. You will see, all of the houses are numbered. Using the “Planets and Points in the Signs” listed below the chart, write down in your journal, what sign all of your planets are in. Practice writing the glyphs for the signs too. Then, look to your chart and write down the house each planet “lives” in. Below is a legend for the glyph for each planet. If you need help with this, please share your chart on the FB group and I’ll chime in and help you. We will delve more into what each house represents later, but for now the idea is to get a clear understanding of where everything is sitting.
Pondering #4 – Expression
We all have had experiences with people with a strong sign energy. Write out all the sign glyphs, and jot down what each sign means for you. If you don’t have an experience or idea for any specific sign, just skip it. We will be learning more about each of these expressions in a future segment. You can aways come back to this later, too!
Pondering #5 – Exchange
Lastly in this entry, we’re going to take a look at all of the lines, in the middle of the chart. What conversations are happening here? What planets are you seeing have lines connecting them? Who looks to be talking to one another? Whether you know anything about aspects or not, take this time to envision these lines as lines of communication. It’s OK if you don’t know if it’s harmonious or challenging communication, just write down what glyphs, or angles you see that are having a meeting. Please feel free to share or ask questions in comments or within the private FB group.
Here’s mine ✨ I’d love to see anyone else share some of what they see!
HOROSCOPE: Prior to studying astrology I always felt the horoscope was some masterful magical way to let people know what to expect. In a sense it is, but no different than a weather report forecast.
BIRTCHART: a chart of the sky, the moment of birth, plotting the planets. Our very first self-portrait.
ENERGY + ENVIRONMENT: Ascendant in Virgo. Moon in Virgo – in the 12th House. Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Libra – in the 1st House. Venus, Mercury, and Uranus in Scorpio – in the 2nd House. Sun and Neptune in Sagittarius – in the 3rd house. Mars in Capricorn in the 4th House.
3 Planets in the 1st house. 3 planets in the 2nd house. 2 plantes in the 3rd house. 1 planet in the 4th house. 1 planet in the 12th house.
EXPRESSION: Aries: inspiring ~ inspires. Taurus: indulge ~ appreciate. Gemini: download ~ share. Cancer: nurture ~ give space. Leo: shine ~ empower. Virgo: analyze ~ organize. Libra: balance ~ beautify. Scorpio: purpose ~ creativity. Sagittarius: truth ~ freedom. Capricorn: practical ~ structured. Aquarius: innovative ~ inventive. Pisces: magical ~ perspective.
EXCHANGE: What kind of conversations are happening? Moon is talking to Mercury + Uranus (blue) and to Neptune (pink). Jupiter + Saturn are talking to Mars (pink), and to Sun (blue). Venus and Mars are on the line (blue). MC-Midheaven, is talking to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn (pink), to Pluto (blue), and to Uranus (green).
To interpret from the above I could say: My 3 planets: Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto in Libra, are expressing ‘Balance + Beautifying’. My 3 planets: Venus-Mercury-Uranus in Scorpio, are expressing ‘Purpose + Creativity’. My 2 planets: Sun-Neptune in Sagittarius, are expressing ‘Truth + Freedom’. My 1 planet: Mars in Capricorn, is expressing ‘Practicality + Structure’.