What Does it Mean? Mini Series: Foreword

Foreword to "What does it Mean?". I don’t know, you tell me! Segment 1 “Birthchart” will roll out this week, in written and visual format. Keep checking back in.


ology - a discipline or practice

The What does it mean? series explores 24 components of astrology, toward one’s own conclusion to all of life’s big questions. Understanding + utilization, where anyone willing can level with how each component functions. Practicing astrology for 10 to 20 years (or even 1 year) is not necessary. Unless you want to of course ;).

Seeking the Cosmos for Utility

Astrology unveiled as the everyday tool and a navigational system that it is. Oftentimes, we project onto astrology that it’s withholding meaning. But, what if instead we sought the stars for their utility? What if we take the formula: self + cosmos and solve for our own meaning? Possessing an understanding of how these components operate, allow access to understand what it means to us.

Origins of Astrology

Historically, we know Astrology as a prediction & fortune telling tool. It’s no secret astrology has been abused to control & take advantage of people. Loads of us are turned off by astrology because of a bad experience where they thought or felt their life was out of their hands.

Modern Astrology

No doubt, Astrology is gimmicked & glamorized. Even fun-loving, mainstream Astrology strips away deeper Astro-components to a one-word meme. Concluding a misconception that we mean but just ‘one-thing’. How often do you read your “horoscope” and it simply doesn’t resonate?

Clear as Crystal

Let’s be crystal clear going into this this series. As every planet, sign, house, & aspect have a high and low expression, so does any practice. Just as astrology can disempower, it can empower! This series concentrates on the utilization of Astrology, owning your power and deciding for one’s self What does it mean? How about, you tell me!

Segment 1: Birthchart

The first segment “Birthchart” rolls out this week in written and visual format. Keep checking in. Do you commonly ask questions about the meaning of your birth chart? If so, what? Let’s discuss in the comments!

Foreword - What Does it Mean Mini Series by: Mermade Trove
Foreword – What Does it Mean Mini Series by: Mermade Trove
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