Beautiful Bold Big Bizarre

Beautiful, Bold, Big & Bizarre – Super Moon and Life Purpose on New Years’ Day

Beautiful, Bold, Big & Bizarre - New Years Day Super Moon and Epic planetary conference call with the North Node, How appropriate for a new years day!

Beautiful, Bold, Big & Bizarre

Full Moon at 11° Cancer – opposite 11° of Capricorn

During the SUPER Moon tomorrow night, exact 6:24pm PST – both our inner worlds and external worlds have support from Venus, Mars Jupiter and Neptune. The Moon is Ripe, and we feel energized to be beautiful (Venus), bold (Mars), big (Jupiter), and bizzarre (Neptune).  How appropriate for a New Year’s day! This is the day traditionally, we set our intentions, our resolutions, for the year to come.

However, this is not the focal point, as it may seem. The planets are having an epic conference call with the North Node, with support from Mercury as he streamlines communication toward our life’s purpose. Mars and Jupiter together on one side persuading their story, with a vengeance. Sun, Venus and Neptune on the other side, bringing up their own concerns – concerns which hold the answers within themselves. Listen carefully to what your body is saying to you about the needs of the new year, areas of your life that need focus, and in which ways, and how. The physical self, your personal and professional relationships, and our hidden dreams and fantasies will shed light on how to navigate the year.

The friction caused by assertion and overindulgence can be used when the time is right, rather than not all at once.  Think sparingly, in terms of big and bold. It’s never about what is bad or good or right or wrong, but about what is right for the moment. Express not suppress.

North Node Conference Call

Look at the fabulous connections happening with the North Node.

  • Sun Quincunx North Node (orb 3°39′)
  • Mercury Trine North Node (orb 3°46′)
  • Venus Quincunx North Node (orb 5°22′)
  • Mars Square North Node (orb 0°25′)
  • Jupiter Square North Node (orb 1°51′)
  • Neptune Quincunx North Node (orb 3°21′)

Are you curious what this year holds for you personally? Reach out to Mermade-Trove for a consultation, one custom tailored to your individual needs.

Beautiful Bold Big Bizarre
Beautiful Bold Big Bizarre By: Mermade

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