Moon also in Pisces today, Calendar note: “Use this energy for healing – lean on and focus on support resources!”
I need to get more Atlantic Grey Salt.
Salmon and Egg on toast.
I have an interesting energy today. I feel it balling up inside me ready to be used, and I am struggling with what to use it on. Do I want to clean? Cleaning is needed but it is going to take a lot out of me so it’s pretty much the only thing I’ll be able to do.
Do I want to spend the day researching, writing, taking notes, organizing myself mentally/digitally?
Do I want to go for a walk or do some light stretching/yoga? If I do that It will get my blood going but I need to make space and I would kind of want to do it in a clean space. So I’d need to clean first.
Maybe, clean > stretch/yoga > research/write > maybe paint?
Did some tidying (not much), but I made some Damiana tea, w/rosewater, cacao powder, honey, coconut oil, and a splash of milk. <3 Now listening to some Nep”tunes” –
Low; Lullaby –
Blueneck; Lilitu –